Thursday, 5 December 2019

Not Settling For . . . but Settling In - to a New Direction.

Well, I do not have cancer! YAY!!!

I have had half my thyroid removed with a very larg nodule (4+cm). My neck is healing amazingly well, they used glue instead of stitches! I got my results just 2 weeks before my first reservation in Mexico, so was able to buy an overpriced one way ticket to Puerto Vallarta. And I am now in Mexico for 2.5 months. Aaahhh.

A curious thing happened among all the medical appointments, surgery, unpacking, working, etc. I found myself finally feeling ‘home’, and I love it. I am back on the island, in a city of the right size for me (12,000), with a new friend already and a great newcomers club where I am meeting even more people, and with good access to culture, shopping and other amenities. I actually found myself feeling a little disappointed that I would not be here for the Christmas activities and that I would be away for more than 2 months. I think I’m nesting.

I do still plan to travel because I love exploring new places, cultures and foods, but I am thrilled to have found a community that fits me as well as Parksville does. I have family and a long time friend nearby.  I have learned to play Mahjong and do so on Mondays evenings when I’m in town.  I have joined the Newcomers Club and am participating in a solos group, a book club and a wine appreciation group. And I am thinking of starting a Spanish language practice group.

These first 3 weeks in Nuevo Vallarta have been just what I needed to relax and recuperate after all the upheaval of the last 3 months. It must show, because a man asked me in the elevator the other day, if I am Canadian. I responded yes, and he said that I looked “pleasant and satisfied”. I will take that compliment. I am satisfied – with where my life is right now.

At the end of this week I move to Mazatlan for 6 weeks, my good friend Linda will be joining me the week after for 5 weeks and a couple that she has been friends with for a long time will also be joining us for our last week. I will then go to Mexico City & Toluca to visit my Mexican friend for about 10 days before returning home at hte end of January.

I am, of course, also planning my next trips.
  1. May – June in Europe.  
    • Possibly volunteering at Vaughan Town again for a week at the end of April (as an English language speaking partner for Spaniards).
    • Amsterdam and then nearby for the 75th anniversary of Liberation Day with Linda and her sister & brother-in-law.
    • A Baltic cruise, then a week or so in Berlin,
    • Followed by a month in Greece
  2. September – October in Africa, likely Kenya & South Africa for a month each. This planning is still in the early stages.
But I plan on staying home for the holidays next year and spending some time with family.