Well, this post reflects a condition very different to the
title of the blog.

The 'foreign' has invaded what should be familiar.
I have, however, also experienced many blessing in the months
leading up to and during this period of physical distancing and self-isolation
even though they certainly didn’t feel like blessings when they were occuring.
My blessings began with the scare of possible thyroid cancer
at the end of July. I was supposed to leave on a round the world trip that,
hopefully, would have lasted more than a year. But 4 days before my first leg
to Australia for 3 months, I learned that I had to stay and get further evaluation,
then surgery to remove half my thyroid along with a very large nodule. This
meant that I had to look for an apartment and get my things out of storage so
that I would have a place to recover. As I was waiting for and recovering from
surgery in September - October the fires in Australia were increasing in size and number in
the states that I would have been visiting.
The next blessings were the news that my growth, while large
was not cancerous. This was received 2 weeks before my Mexican leg of the trip
was to begin, so I was able to buy a ticket to continue on with this portion of
the trip, for which I had reservations that I would not have been reimbursed
for if I had to cancel as they included timeshare reservations where the points
would just have been lost.
things progressed with the current COVID-19 situation, and we all ended up with
physical distancing being our new reality, I realized that I would have been in
Peru when all the international flights got locked down. Not only would I be in
a country whose borders had closed completely, waiting for a chance of a seat
on one of the Canadian rescue flights, but if I had made it back, I would now be
in self quarantine in a hotel near an airport somewhere in either Vancouver,
Calgary, Toronto or Montreal. After 2 weeks, assuming I am still well, I would
be faced with looking for an apartment and trying to find movers who are still
working, to transfer my belongings. It would be a nightmare!
Instead, I am again blessed
– to be healthy and safely living in my
apartment just 1 km from this beach on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada!!!